Carpodata is currently in version 3.0. Here are the last updates :

- Site hosting migration to OSU-THETA (Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers Terre Homme Environnement Temps Astronomie)
- Migration of source code from SVN to IN2P3 GitLab
- Update to PHP 8.2
- Security updates of Apache2 and MariaDB
- Addition of project page for Mathilde Girard's UBFC Master's project
- Correction of calculations implying studied fraction on the whole website
- Update of database and form's attributes
- Addition of the Archeological Operation number
- Ergonomic corrections
- Correction of density per liter calculations in master tables and in static and dynamic queries
- Improvements on master table elements
- Graphical corrections
- Removal of the data copy/paste feature on the website
- Lisibility improvement on unpublished data
- Addition and modification on dynamic queries
- Update of the graphical charter
- Translation to english finished
- Graphical redesign of the website
- Update of the project's partners

- Tutorials
- Added expert rank for contributor
- New error messages for Master import
- English available (only for particular pages)
- Master Import implemented
- Mobile responsive design improved
- Added a rollup menu on the 'Consult' button
- Case insensitive in search
- Table edition implemented
- Added site version in homepage
- User registration notified by email
- Deletion of taxon debugged
- Added 'Specialist' column on new site table
- Added partnership with Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
- Added Version page on the website
- Contributeur's rights modification notified by email
- User connection asked after leaving page instead of every 15 minutes
- Dynamic query implemented